We are temporarily changing the working processes to ensure we continue to offer an essential service whilst keeping our team and communities safe and connected.

1. Purchase onsite

In line with Government Directives we DO NOT offer purchase onsite at our Preston warehouse until further notice. If you need products urgently, we offer Contact Free Click & Collect after you purchase the items from our online store - local pickup is strictly by appointment only.


2. Contactless Pickup

When your order is ready to pickup, we will send you the pickup notification. 

When coming to our warehouse, please ensure:

- Wearing a fitted face mask.

- Stay in your vehicle.

- Have your Order number ready and call the office on arrival.


3. Contactless Delivery

You will not be required to sign for your delivery. If there is questions or inquiries about the products or delivery, please contact us by phone or email. 


Thank you!

We want to say a huge Thank You to all of our customers who support us over the years. We will and we can work through these challenging times together.


UPDATE 20/09/2021
Lockdown Delivery Delays